Guaranteed from every chest | ||
Name | Qty | Chance |
Giran Seal | 4 | 400к |
Possible loss of one of the items | ||
Spell Book Chest - 4 Stars (Master) Sealed | 1 | 0,1 |
Incredible Upgrade Stone Sealed | 1 | 7 |
Stable Scroll: Enchant High-grade Agathion Sealed | 1 | 7 |
Stable Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed | 1 | 7 |
Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed | 1 | 16 |
+7 ~ +16 Purge Weapon Coupon Box Sealed | 1 | 1 |
Package: Andreas van Halter Doll Lv. 1 | 1 | 25 |
Package: Helm of Storm(Sealed) Sealed | 1 | 46 |
Package: Behemoth Doll Lv. 1 | 1 | 15 |
Package: Glakias Doll Lv. 1 | 1 | 15 |
Package: Antharas Doll Lv. 1 | 1 | 15 |
Boss Doll Box Lv. 1 | 1 | 104 |
Doll Summon Ticket(Enhanced) - 1 Time Sealed | 1 | 9 |
Doll Summon Ticket(Top) - 1 Time Sealed | 1 | 6 |
Armor of Protection Coupon Sealed | 1 | 150 |
Frozen Weapon Coupon Sealed | 1 | 143 |
Special Armor Coupon Sealed | 1 | 197 |
Higher Growth Rune Fragment Sealed | 1 | 249 |
Package: Gloves of Silence Sealed | 1 | 47 |
Valakas Agathion Creation Coupon Sealed | 1 | 0,1 |
Agathion Pack: Dragon Egg (100 pcs.) Sealed | 1 | 10 |
Talisman of Baium Sealed | 1 | 5 |
Scroll: Enchant Talisman of Baium | 1 | 10 |
Rare Accessory Coupon Sealed | 1 | 498 |
Special Equipment Coupon Sealed | 1 | 99 |
Package: Growth Rune Fragment (100 pcs.) Sealed | 1 | 45 |
Enchant Package: Necklace of Spirits Sealed | 1 | 49 |
Scroll of Blessing Coupon - Weapon/ Armor Sealed | 1 | 94 |
Hidden Power Booster Sealed | 2 | 995 |
Elixir Powder Sealed | 1 | 495 |
Enchant Kit: Talisman of Heaven Sealed | 3 | 5796 |
Random Enchant Scroll Pack Sealed | 3 | 8465 |
Coupon for Crystal Sealed | 3 | 13856 |
Package: Giran Seal (1000 pcs.) Sealed | 1 | 21 |
Package: Agathion Bracelet Lv. 6 Sealed | 1 | 9 |
Package: Talisman Bracelet Lv. 6 Sealed | 1 | 9 |
Package: Brooch Lv. 6 Sealed | 1 | 9 |
Agathion Spirit Exchange Coupon +7 Sealed | 1 | 172 |
+5 Talisman of Authority Pack Sealed | 1 | 173 |
+5 Ignore Decrease Mask Pack Sealed | 1 | 169 |
+7 Agathion Dragon Egg Pack Sealed | 1 | 167 |
+5 Talisman of Speed Pack Sealed | 1 | 166 |
Jewelry Lv. 6 Coupon Sealed | 1 | 45 |
Package: Agathion Dragon Egg Sealed | 5 | 12919 |
Sayha's Blessing Sealed | 500 | 12,5кк |
Spirit Ore Sealed | 250 | 1,7кк |
Sayha's Storm Sealed | 2 | 12434 |
XP Growth Scroll Sealed | 2 | 11010 |
Berserker's Scroll Sealed | 2 | 8058 |
Sayha's Blessing Scroll Sealed | 1 | 2151 |
Scroll: Enchant Stats Sealed | 2 | 2040 |
Hellbound Energy Sealed | 4 | 3348 |
Agathion Spirit Exchange Coupon Sealed | 1 | 1762 |
Aden Transformation Scroll Sealed | 1 | 817 |
Blessing Augmentation Box Sealed | 2 | 2919 |
Blessed Augmenting Stone: Special Equipment Sealed | 2 | 2845 |
Battle Support Scroll) Sealed | 1 | 672 |
Dandy's Home Run Ball Sealed | 1 | 640 |
Purge Collection Coupon Sealed | 1 | 634 |
Einhasad's Protection Sealed | 1 | 753 |
Dye Booster | 1 | 1206 |
Guaranteed from every chest | ||
Name | Qty | Chance |
Giran Seal | 22 | 2200к |
Possible loss of one of the items | ||
Name | Qty | Chance |
Spell Book Chest - 4 Stars (Master) Sealed | 1 | 0,1 |
Spell Book Chest - 4 Stars (Master) Sealed | 1 | 7 |
Incredible Upgrade Stone Sealed | 1 | 7 |
Stable Scroll: Enchant High-grade Agathion Sealed | 1 | 7 |
Stable Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories | 1 | 16 |
Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories | 1 | 1 |
+7 ~ +16 Purge Weapon Coupon Box Sealed | 1 | 25 |
Package: Andreas van Halter Doll Lv. 1 | 1 | 46 |
Package: Helm of Storm(Sealed) Sealed | 1 | 15 |
Package: Behemoth Doll Lv. 1 | 1 | 15 |
Package: Glakias Doll Lv. 1 | 1 | 15 |
Package: Antharas Doll Lv. 1 | 1 | 254 |
Boss Doll Box Lv. 1 | 1 | 502 |
Doll Summon Ticket(Enhanced) - 1 Time Sealed | 1 | 6 |
Doll Summon Ticket(Top) - 1 Time Sealed | 1 | 150 |
Armor of Protection Coupon Sealed | 1 | 143 |
Frozen Weapon Coupon Sealed | 1 | 197 |
Special Armor Coupon Sealed | 1 | 249 |
Higher Growth Rune Fragment Sealed | 1 | 47 |
Package: Gloves of Silence Sealed | 1 | 0,1 |
Valakas Agathion Creation Coupon Sealed | 1 | 10 |
Agathion Pack: Dragon Egg (100 pcs.) Sealed | 1 | 5 |
Talisman of Baium Sealed | 1 | 10 |
Scroll: Enchant Talisman of Baium | 1 | 498 |
Rare Accessory Coupon Sealed | 1 | 99 |
Special Equipment Coupon Sealed | 1 | 45 |
Package: Growth Rune Fragment (100 pcs.) Sealed | 1 | 49 |
Enchant Package: Necklace of Spirits Sealed | 1 | 94 |
Scroll of Blessing Coupon - Weapon/ Armor Sealed | 1 | 995 |
Hidden Power Booster Sealed | 6 | 495 |
Elixir Powder Sealed | 3 | 5796 |
Enchant Kit: Talisman of Heaven Sealed | 4 | 8465 |
Random Enchant Scroll Pack Sealed | 6 | 13856 |
Coupon for Crystal Sealed | 6 | 21 |
Package: Giran Seal (1000 pcs.) Sealed | 1 | 9 |
Package: Agathion Bracelet Lv. 6 Sealed | 1 | 9 |
Package: Talisman Bracelet Lv. 6 Sealed | 1 | 9 |
Package: Brooch Lv. 6 Sealed | 1 | 172 |
Agathion Spirit Exchange Coupon +7 Sealed | 1 | 173 |
+5 Talisman of Authority Pack Sealed | 1 | 169 |
+5 Ignore Decrease Mask Pack Sealed | 1 | 167 |
+7 Agathion Dragon Egg Pack Sealed | 1 | 166 |
+5 Talisman of Speed Pack Sealed | 1 | 45 |
Jewelry Lv. 6 Coupon Sealed | 1 | 12919 |
Package: Agathion Dragon Egg Sealed | 6 | 12,5кк |
Sayha's Blessing Sealed | 1500 | 1,7кк |
Spirit Ore Sealed | 500 | 12434 |
Sayha's Storm Sealed | 4 | 11010 |
XP Growth Scroll Sealed | 4 | 8058 |
Berserker's Scroll Sealed | 4 | 2151 |
Sayha's Blessing Scroll Sealed | 3 | 2040 |
Scroll: Enchant Stats Sealed | 3 | 3348 |
Hellbound Energy Sealed | 10 | 1762 |
Agathion Spirit Exchange Coupon Sealed | 3 | 817 |
Aden Transformation Scroll Sealed | 3 | 2919 |
Dandy's Home Run Ball Sealed | 2 | 2845 |
Purge Collection Coupon Sealed | 2 | 672 |
Einhasad's Protection Sealed | 2 | 640 |
Battle Support Scroll) Sealed | 3 | 634 |
Blessing Augmentation Box Sealed | 3 | 753 |
Blessed Augmenting Stone: Special Equipment Sealed | 3 | 1206 |
Dye Booster | 3 |